A new update for Vacutouch makes the machine control software more intuitive to operate

Date: 21/08/2016
Categories: Other news

This new software update will be released for Vacutouch machine control software in 2016 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of VACUDEST vacuum distillation systems.

This new software update will be released for Vacutouch machine control software in 2016 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of VACUDEST vacuum distillation systems. The update will come onto this market within the year, most likely in the autumn. This update will be free for customers with a maintenance contract and can be installed as part of the next round if maintenance if desired.

H2O GmbH chose reliable menu navigation for the control functions. This update includes the new system sizes L 8,000 and XXL 30,000 as well as modifications such as ones made for controlling operational and cleaning functions. Finally, the update also includes a great deal of improvements to increase user-friendliness. For example, maintenance tips are now also available in Spanish and Russian, and there are now operator texts available in Basque.

For further information: www.h2o-de.com

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