The CEO of Cortec Honoured for Its 50-Years Career

Date: 28/03/2024
Categories: Corporate

Boris Miksic from Cortec® Corporation has received a special recognition for its fifty years of dedicated work at NACE-International.

The Croatian-American entrepreneur Boris Miksic has recently received a special honourable recognition for its fifty years of long-standing dedicated work and achievements in the field of corrosion protection at NACE-International – the largest global association focused on developing standards for corrosion prevention – during the ‘Corrosion 2024 Conference and Exposition’ event, held at the World War II Museum in New Orleans (United States of America).

Who is Boris Mikšić, founder of Cortec® Corporation

Cortec® Corporation is an international producer of corrosion inhibitors and protection technologies, such as the patented Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor (VpCI) solutions that simplifies corrosion protection for enclosed void spaces such as packages, equipment internals or structural metal cavities.

Born in Hugo (Minnesota), Boris Mikšić founded the company in his garage during the ‘70s. In the early 2000s, he also launched the production in his home country Croatia, which experienced significant expansion. The business consists nowadays of nine plants, warehouses and laboratories and operates in over hundred countries worldwide, while the Croatian sites supply not only Europe but also a large part of Asia.

The CEO of Cortec Boris Mikšić receiving the recognition from NACE on a stage

“I have dedicated my life to developing new green technologies in the corrosion industry and this award is a great honour. All my investments have a sustainability focus and my vision from the beginning was to develop environmentally safe solutions. Our plants operate on the circular economy principle, and we recently started using our energy resources by installing solar power plants. Most of our products are bio-based and recyclable. We reprocess them in-house, significantly reducing the amount of waste for disposal. This is how we demonstrate not only responsibility towards our customers but also toward our communities. For me, this is equally important. Cortec, is an example of a modern company that is based on sustainability principles,” has stated Miksic. “EcoCortec – our sustainable solar-powered production complex located in the green fields of the Baranja region – made Croatia one of the central points in Europe for manufacturing and exporting green corrosion inhibitors worldwide.”

During his career, the owner of the company has received sixty-six patents and has played an important role in the National Association of Corrosion Engineers - NACE (now AMPP). He has also won several awards and chaired NACE symposiums and working groups, helping to develop various industrial testing standards.

“My mission was, and still is, to always be one step ahead. I promoted the importance of green anticorrosion solutions when it was still something that very few were considering. Today, it has become the gold standard in our industry. After many years of hard work advocating for sustainability, I am pleased to see great progress,” has concluded Miksic.