Out Now Issue n. 37 of ipcm_Protective Coatings

Date: 22/04/2021
Categories: ipcm

Read the latest edition of the magazine dedicated to corrosion prevention and control technologies in the heavy industry.

The pandemic has undoubtedly affected all aspects of our lives and all economic sectors alike, including the corrosion prevention one.

Contrary to what one might think, however, not all of its effects have been negative. Apart from the devastating impact of the supply chain failure, which is still a major problem also in terms of rising raw material costs, some trends have emerged (partly exposed by an article from “The Coating Inspector” blog, which you will find at the beginning of this magazine) that are forcing companies to hit the gas on R&D, with undoubted benefits on the evolution of anti-corrosion coating (passive protection) systems.

One of them is the demand for greater efficiency, durability, and effectiveness of paints.

Alongside this is the opportunity-turned-need to reduce dependence on oil derivatives for the formulation of coatings, as well as to reduce VOCs.

The use of water-based coatings is also gaining ground in sectors traditionally associated with the use of solvent-based systems, such as the oil industry. A fascinating case study on valve coating by a well-known Italian company bears witness to this.

Finally, this issue of ipcm_Protective reiterates once more the importance of surface preparation for a high quality, durable, and fully functional anti-corrosion coating: we deal with this in an extensive article analysing the available mechanical preparation processes and in another chapter of our “Inspection LogBook”.