Vattenfall and BASF Partner for the German Offshore Wind Farms Nordlicht 1 and 2

Date: 05/12/2023
The wind farm

From the combined capacity of 1.6 gigawatts of the offshore wind farms, BASF will receive fossil-free electric power for its European sites.

Vattenfall and BASF have recently announced that the companies are in advanced and exclusive discussions to partner on the German offshore wind farms Nordlicht 1 and 2. Both parties have already signed a Memorandum of Understanding to formally express their joint ambition: Vattenfall will use its share of the fossil-free electricity to supply its German customers, while BASF – that acquired 49% of the project shares – will receive almost half of the produced electricity to supply its chemical production sites across Europe.

“For our transformation to Net Zero, we need large quantities of renewable electric power at competitive prices. Together with our long-standing partner Vattenfall, we want this project to be another milestone in securing sufficient renewable electric power for BASF in Europe, in Germany and Ludwigshafen, our largest production site worldwide. With the electric power from Nordlicht 1 and 2, we can drive forward our transformation and further reduce our CO2 emissions,” has stated Martin Brudermüller, the CEO of BASF.

The Nordlicht wind park zone is located 85 kilometers north of the island of Borkum (in the German North Sea) and consists of two separate sites: Nordlicht 1 with a capacity of 980 megawatts and Nordlicht 2 with 630 megawatts. Once fully operational, their combined production is expected to be around 6 terawatt hours (TWh) per year, equal to the electricity consumption of 1,6 million German households. In addition, BASF also bought a share of the recently inaugurated Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm in 2021. Through its ownership, the company receives further renewable energy.

“Wind energy is crucial to enable the fossil freedom that drives society forward and a close collaboration with industries is just as crucial for accelerating the energy transition. I am proud that Nordlicht 1 and 2 will provide German customers with fossil-free electricity as well as contribute to the decarbonisation of industry in Europe. BASF is a strong partner with ambitious sustainability goals, and we look forward to expanding our partnership with them,” has also commented Anna Borg, the CEO of Vattenfall.

Etiqueta: BASF Energía