WAGNER Made an Important Donation to Four German Hospice Associations

Date: 29/02/2024
photo of WAGNER employees and member of the four hospice associations

WAGNER has donated an amount of 72,000 euros to four German Hospice Associations for helping people who suffers from serious illnesses.

For its annual fundraising campaign, the international manufacturer of surface finishing equipment and systems WAGNER had decided to give a helping hand to the sick and needy by pledging to double the donations collected by employees. As a matter of fact, for the third year running, the employees donated the value of many overtime hours and holiday days as well as large sums of money - enabling WAGNER to make a donation of 72,000 euros.

"I am very happy and at the same time very grateful and also very proud of this result that we have achieved together at WAGNER! In the last three years in which we have carried out our concerted fundraising campaign, we have collected a total of more than 185,000 euros, which we donate to charitable causes in the region!" The willingness to donate is high at WAGNER, because this season alone, each of the approximately 500 employees of J. Wagner at the Markdorf site has donated an average of around 70 euros. The largest single donation from employees was 7,200 euros,” has commented Jaqueline Schiele, one of the two leading managers of the People & Culture Department at J. Wagner GmbH.

This year, WAGNER donated the sum in equal parts to four hospice associations in the region, which accompany people in the difficult final period of their lives in a caring and respectful manner, remaining at the side of relatives and the bereaved. The donation went to:

  • Urmel-Kinder-Krebshilfe e.V., Friedrichshafen: supports young cancer patients as well as their parents and siblings, who are exposed to considerable emotional and social stress, so that they can cope more easily with the crisis - also providing them with financial support;
  • Hospizgruppe Salem e.V.: a group of volunteers who accompany the seriously ill and dying, visiting them in their familiar environment;
  • Hospiz Konstanz: full-time volunteer staff dealing with crises caused by illness, death and bereavement. They encourage public discussion of these issues and offer advice and help in dealing with these borderline situations;
  • St. Nikolaus Kinderhospiz: cares for families with children suffering from life-threatening illnesses.
Etiqueta: Wagner