Manufuture 2015: Strategic Investments in European Manufacturing to Rise to Global Challenges

Date: 10/11/2015
Categorias: Outras notícias

Manufuture is held every two years and is considered as the key event on manufacturing at European level. It aims to address topics of strategic importance for future challenges of the manufacturing industry and develop recommendations for national and European policy makers.

The 2015 edition will take place in Luxembourg on 23-24 November and is organised under the auspices of the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union.

Defining favourable conditions for reindustrialising Europe Manufuture 2015, that will take place in Luxembourg on 23-24 November, is organised under the auspices of the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union. Manufuture is held every two years and is considered as the key event on manufacturing at European level. It aims to address topics of strategic importance for future challenges of the manufacturing industry and develop recommendations for national and European policy makers.

Optimizing the use of key instruments The EU has defined a strategic objective to boost reindustrialisation and increase the manufacturing industry's current GDP contribution of approximately 16% to as much as 20%. In order to succeed, it is essential to optimise the use of key instruments such as the European Structural and Investment Funds and Horizon 2020 and widen the access to finance for new manufacturing ventures as well as established companies with high growth potential on global level.

Success factors Manufuture 2015 aims to assess manufacturing research and development progress in Europe compared with global competitors, define the conditions needed for successfully reindustrialising Europe - identification and endorsement of new policy instruments, business models, support mechanisms and technologies – and finally develop recommendations for policy makers.

Targeting the European manufacturing community Manufuture 2015 will gather around 600 participants from a community of business leaders, researchers, innovators, policy makers, representatives of key technology platforms and European Commission representatives. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to over 50 international speakers and give their input to the debate about the future of European industry.

Programme and key topics: 4 main topics will be addressed during the 2 day conference:

  • Technology, Research and Innovation in Manufacturing
  • Business, Competitiveness
  • Policies, Standards and the Environment
  • Finance and Investments.
A regularly updated set of information concerning the programme and the speakers is available on:

Matchmaking: helping ambitious SMEs innovate and grow internationally Matchmaking powered by EEN on November 23rd from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm and on November 24th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make the most of business opportunities in the EU and beyond. Through direct access to Europe's largest database of business opportunities, EEN helps SMEs forge new international partnerships with excellent growth potential. For further information :

Manufuture 2015, a key European event An EU brokerage event, Manufuture 2015 is an advanced tool dedicated for setting up new partnerships and for launching new collaborative project proposals. It is a way to strengthen the cooperation between European industries and research units and to give to European organizations a simple, direct and accessible way to find partners all around Europe. The preparation of each event takes several months, but the event itself needs two days, including plenary sessions, parallel workshops on specific areas, and facilities for bilateral discussions. The brokerage event is an appropriate place for the participants to present themselves, to show each other their expertise and their collaborative project ideas.

VENUE Luxembourg Congrès (European Convention Center), Luxembourg-Kirchberg 4, place de l'Europe L-1499 Luxembourg-Kirchberg

DATE 23 & 24 November 2015

For further information: