Sulphate and Fluoride Abatement Technologies for Restrictive Limits Zero Discharge Purification: When and Why

Date: 06/04/2021
Autor: Sponsored
Categorias: Outras notícias

The Zero Liquid Discharge systems engineered by CIE are highly sophisticated systems for the purification and total reuse of water coming from metal treatment process, using a combination of technologies such as: chemical-physical purification, sand and charcoal filtration, UF, RO and Evaporation. 

  • The increasingly frequent local restrictions of the European law on discharges for Sulphates and Fluorides (and often Aluminium) require cutting-edge systems and specialty chemicals which nowadays are already consolidated. In addition, the Sulphates problem directly affects Anodic Oxidation. Here, besides the adoption of acid recovery equipment (OXIPUR), the chemistry is taking on a decisive role.
  • The Zero Liquid Discharge (Z.L.D.) in the Aluminium sector is now more than 30 years old, but its use is still limited and amounting to less than 5% of the existing systems. The reasons are mainly economical and lack of incentives (tax relief, water saving bonuses, etc.). However, the path has been traced and the new technologies that lead to a drastic reduction of the final evaporation or even to its elimination with the help of specific chemical products, should lead to overcoming obstacles to its development.