Ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 28 Has Been Released

Innovation, quality and efficiency: these are the great subjects analysed in the new issue of ipcm®, not simply at a theoretical level but with real examples that show how these concepts can be declined and applied in the coatings industry.


Ipcm Academy: nuova sede e nuove date per i corsi "La formazione per i tecnici di verniciatura e il controllo qualità nella General Industry"

Riparte a ottobre la stagione 2014 di corsi specializzati dedicati al settore dei trattamenti superficiali organizzati da ipcm Academy, in una nuova e prestigiosa sede. Le iscrizioni sono aperte.


WIWA DUOMIX 333 PFP für die Offshore-Industrie zertifiziert

Wenn Bauten in Brand geraten, zählt jede Minute. Sobald der Stahl in Bauwerken die kritische Kerntemperatur von rund 550 Grad Celsius erreicht hat, droht ihnen der Einsturz. Passiver Brandschutz ist deshalb zum absoluten Muss geworden. Entsprechend diesen Anforderungen hat WIWA seine Applikationsanlagen für Flammschutzmaterialien weiter entwickelt. Die bewährten Geräte sind auch unter härtesten Bedingungen einsetzbar – und in der Version WIWA DUOMIX PFP 333 -Zone 1- jetzt auch für die Offshore-Industrie zertifiziert.


Ipcm_Protective Coatings n. 10 Has Been Released

Safety with the capital S: This is the main topic of the latest issue of the magazine, focusing on several anticorrosion protection technologies and fire protection.


Abcite from Axalta Receives ISO 20340 Certification for Offshore Corrosion Protection Applications

High performance powder coating system resists most severe conditions – with only one layer.


Ucif: a ottobre un convegno interamente dedicato all'autovettura italiana

È stato ufficializzato il convegno che Ucif sta organizzando per il 14 ottobre prossimo, un'occasione per incontrare i principali attori del comparto //automotive// ed analizzare insieme quali passi l'industria di riferimento può compiere nei prossimi anni, non solo dal punto di vista del trattamento superficiale ma per il prodotto auto visto nel suo complesso.


Audi lackiert in Mexiko mit Energie sparender Dürr-Technik

Der Anlagenbauer Dürr unterstützt seinen Kunden Audi beim Aufbau seiner Ressourcen schonenden Produktion in Mexiko.


Europolveri is ISO 14001 Certified

Europolveri obtained the ISO 14001 certification on the Environmental Management System.


Lechler ospita i 'Color Designer' del futuro

Gli studenti del primo Master in Color Design & Technology ospiti in Lechler per un seminario sul colore.


Axalta Coating Systems opens new commercial offices in Spain

Axalta Coating Systems, a leading global supplier of liquid and powder coatings, has opened new commercial offices for its Spanish operations in Sant Cugat del Vallès near Barcelona, Spain.


ALTANA: Produktionskapazität für BYK Additive in den USA mehr als verdoppelt

Expansion des Werks in Wallingford unterstreicht Fokus auf lokalen Kundenbedarf und Wachstum in Nordamerika; bislang größte Einzelinvestition von ALTANA außerhalb Deutschlands; erweiterung erhöht weltweite Versorgungssicherheit für Additive.


SOCOMORE Launches a New Hexavalent Chrome Free Process for Conversion and Sealing after Anodizing

To meet the needs of the aerospace surface treatment companies who are trying to eliminate hexavalent chrome from their surface treatment processes before September 2017 (current estimated schedule for REACH regulations), SOCOMORE is proposing a new patented technology for conversion and sealing of surfaces after anodizing, that could be used for the pretreatment of painted and unpainted parts.


Coatings and Woodworking Industries Win Major EU Funding for Sustainable Research Project

A consortium of 15 partners from the coatings and joinery industries and research institutes have been successful in receiving EU funding of €2.7m towards SERVOWOOD, a FP7 project whose goal is to develop and establish European standards that will facilitate the prediction of service life for exterior wood coatings. The total budgeted cost of the project is €3.8m.


Eurosurfas Opens up to new Sectors in Order to Reach All Value Segments

The 25th Eurosurfas, Fira de Barcelona's International Paint and Surface Treatment Show, has opted to offer exhibitors the possibility of accessing a greater number of business opportunities.


Nuovo seminario Poliefun sulle proprietà interfacciali per l'innovazione dell'industria

Poliefun, associazione nata dalla collaborazione delle aziende del settore del Trattamento delle Superfici e l'Università, sotto la guida tecnico-scientifica del Politecnico di Milano, ha annunciato la data di un nuovo seminario: **"Modulazione delle proprietà interfacciali come aspetto innovativo per l'industria: idrofobicità e oleofobicità"**.
