

Alle Nachrichten aus der ipcm-Welt (neue Magazine, Monat "in review", Projekte, Webinare, Veranstaltungen, Kurse, Messekalender ...)

April in review

A famous proverb says “In April sleep is sweet”, but the ipcm team never sleeps. Except for a new colleague...


Out Now Issue n. 37 of ipcm_Protective Coatings

Read the latest edition of the magazine dedicated to corrosion prevention and control technologies in the heavy industry.


March in review

A month of launches, starting from the new website up to a new section in our magazines.


Out Now Issue n. 68 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine

Read the latest issue of the journal for surface treatments. 


February in Review

Broadcasting innovation.


Están disponibles ipcm® Ibérica n. 21 e ipcm® LatinoAmérica n. 33

Las revistas para la industria de los tratamientos superficiales y acabados orgánicos e inorgánicos dirigidas al mercado español y portugués.


Out Now Issue n. 19 of ICT_Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Supplement of ipcm® - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 67


January in review

The beginning of the new year brings with it many innovations.


Out Now Issue n. 67 of ipcm International Paint&Coating Magazine

Read the latest issue of the international magazine dedicated to surface treatment.


2020 in review

2020 was an unusual and challenging year, however the ipcm^®^ editorial team worked hard to continue to inform, create content and show the best of the surface treatment industry.


Out Now Issue n. 36 of ipcm_Protective Coatings

Read the latest edition of the magazine dedicated to corrosion prevention and control technologies in the heavy industry.


November in review

A (yet another) record month.


Están disponibles ipcm Ibérica n. 20 e ipcm LatinoAmérica n. 32

Las revistas para la industria de los tratamientos superficiales y acabados orgánicos e inorgánicos dirigidas al mercado español y portugués.


Out Now Issue n. 66 of ipcm International Paint&Coating Magazine

Special on ACE and off-road vehicles. This issue features also the insert ICT, dedicated to industrial cleaning technologies.


October in review

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." - Friedrich Nietzsche
