PPG Presented Limitless, the 2024 Colour of the Year

Date: 23/08/2023
Categorías: Tendencias del sector
An indoor living room coated with Limitless by PPG

The honey beige neutral tone Limitless has been identified by the colour experts of PPG as the next trend for both architectural and industrial applications.

PPG has recently announced its 2024 Colour of the Year: Limitless (PPG1091-3), a fresh and warm hue that holds both the power of a primary colour and the essence of a honey beige neutral tone, offering limitless possibilities for residential and commercial interiors and exteriors, consumer products and industrial applications and allowing to create an updated and on-trend look for any contemporary design style, aesthetics and space.

“We are entering a new era of explosive creativity and change. Consumers are using colour in even more unconventional ways than ever before and they need a palette that offers versatility to work with both new and existing décor. Limitless understands the assignment and embodies this perfectly,” has stated Ashley McCollum, a colour expert from the Glidden brand of PPG and marketing manager of the Architectural Coatings division. “This modern neutral is as adaptable as its name implies and is taking the place of cool neutral tones that are so last year. With the selection of Limitless, grey is officially cancelled. What can we say – warm neutrals just hit different.”

The new colour Limitless works with both warm and cool tones such as shaded whites, delicate pastels, earthy neutrals, softened jewel tones and bold and bright hues. In addition, it also pairs well with popular black and brass metal tones and silver and bronze finishes. As a matter of fact, as an interior colour, it works on all four walls, accent walls, trim and cabinets as well as ceiling, abstract and geometric shapes and interior doors.

The external facades of a building coated with PPG's Limitless paint

"Think of Limitless as a fresh and energizing take on a neutral. Limitless can be your main room colour or act as an invigorating pop against warm or cool tones. Apply Limitless to exterior doors and even all-over exterior and trim to add curb appeal and get ready for TFW (that feeling when) your house is the main character of your block,” has also added McCollum. “Limitless is bold enough to serve as a leading primary colour, yet has the essence of a neutral to act in a supporting role. In the architectural space, we anticipate that it will rapidly become one of newest neutrals due to its versatility.”

This warm, subdued, sophisticated and calming honey beige hue reflects then the evolving consumer preference for softer, lighter and less saturated shades. However, since Limitless pairs equally well with both warm and cool tones, the colour experts of the company recommend using it anywhere and everywhere.

“Around the globe, we are seeing a movement from cooler and deeply saturated tones to lighter and warmer shades of reds, yellows and beiges. For product designers looking to differentiate and embrace trending mellow shades, Limitless has endless applications to lend an air of modernity, leaning from polished to playful”, has concluded Vanessa Peterson, the global colour styling leader of the Industrial Coatings segment of PPG.